Monthly Archives: November 2010

Zone files

Domain zone file $TTL 3h ; value that instructs non-authoritatively DNS servers how long to keep the data in cache @          TTL          IN           SOA          primary_nameserver.  email_address. ( 1000 ; serial number – to be increased with each zone file modification … Continue reading


Bind: named.conf structure

named.conf sections The named.conf consists of a general section (options, logging etc) and the zones section. All lines (except the opening curly brackets only rows) must end with a semicolon. The named.conf general section The option container in named.conf. options{ … Continue reading





NFS: Network File System

By using NFS a server shares a directory with a client. CAUTION: the com between the server and the client is done in clear so it’s basically not safe. NFS Server Configuration 1. First you need to make sure the … Continue reading

File system

Yum install from local repository

In case you ever need to install by yum something local (from a CD for instance in case you don’t have Internet access and you need to compile the ethernet card’s loadable module) you may use this: yum –disablerepo \* … Continue reading


CentOS IP configuration files

These files and their contents might be specific/relevant in part only to cPanel /etc/sysconfig/networking/devices/ifcfg-eth0 /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 Both of the above have this content: DEVICE=eth0 BOOTPROTO=static BROADCAST=x.x.x.255 HWADDR=x:x:x:x:x:x IPADDR=ip_in_question NETMASK= NETWORK=x.x.x.0 ONBOOT=yes /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ethx-range0 IPADDR_START= IPADDR_END= CLONENUM_START=0 NETMASK= /etc/ips (this contains only the … Continue reading
